Thank you for choosing Solo Mobile – we appreciate your business and would like the opportunity to explain your bill to you.
Your first bill will be different than future bills. We bill in advance, so you will be billed for one full month of charges in addition to some prorated charges. The example below will provide you with a closer look at a typical first bill and help you understand how everything adds up.
Reading your bill
In this example, the activation date is June 30th, with a billing date of the 4th of every month. Point your mouse over the sample bill to highlight the different sections. Roll over any numbered section to see an explanation.

Account InformationThis section includes useful information that will appear on every bill:
Account SummaryThis section summarizes your current charges, including:
Each type of charge is explained below. On future bills, the Account Summary page will show the previous balance, payments made and any late payment charges if applicable. |
Notification Box:This box indicates you have prorated charged on your bill. Proration will occur on your first bill and any future bills when a plan, feature or service is changed mid bill cycle. See section 5 for a further explanation. |

Monthly ChargesThis section of your bill provides details of your:
A monthly e9-1-1 fee may be applicable. The charges in this section are billed one month in advance. You'll see the name of your rate plan, as well as the term (e.g. 24M which indicates a 24 month term contract) you’ve choosen and the features and services. In this example, if your bill date is the 4th, monthly charges will be from the 4th of this month to the 3rd of next month. |
Other charges and creditsThis section details prorated monthly charges and credits that have been applied to your account from the time between the date you activated your service and your bill date. These charges include:
For an explanation of partial monthly charges, please refer to the example below. If an account is activated on the 30th and the bill date is the 4th, prorated charges will appear from June 30th until July 3rd (4 days).
This also applies to features, usage, long distance and data. |
Usage and long distanceAdditional usage charges are incurred on use outside of those included in your regular monthly rate plan, feature or service. Usage is billed for the previous month. Examples include:
To track your bill and unbilled usage, please register your account at |
For your informationThis section provides a summary of your total usage for the month, highlighting:
Understanding call details on your bill
The following table explains the columns of your invoice that list details about your usage.
Column | Description |
Item no. | Call, session or event number |
Date | Start date of the call, session or event |
Time | Start time of the call, session or event |
Type | Type of call made (when available description can be found at the bottom of the page) |
From | Incoming calls (calls you received) Outgoing calls (where you were located at the time of the call) |
Number called | Incoming calls (your own number) Outgoing calls (number you dialed) |
Min: sec | Call duration |
Rate | Rate for the airtime part of the call; rate for the usage event |
Long distance | Rate for the long distance part of the call |
Total | Total cost for this call, session or event |
Details | Usage description |
Event description | Event description |
Event type | Event type |
Total usage | Total usage for each category (call, session or event) |
Subtotal | Subtotal for each category (call, session or event) |
Total | Total usage cost (includes calls, sessions and events) |
Understanding call types
The following table explains the types of calls you might find in your invoice. You can also find an explanation of these codes at the bottom of each page of itemized calls on your invoice.
Code | Type of call |
b2b | Business Calling Circle |
BM2BM | Solo Mobile to Solo Mobile |
brwsr | Mobile Browser |
Dir | Directory Assistance |
FMR | Follow Me Roaming |
FM2M | Mobile-to-Mobile Calling |
FWD | Call Forwarding |
home | Touch Base/20 Free Calls |
m2m | Incoming Mobile-to-Mobile |
MsgCR | Mobile retrieval of messages from your Message Centre |
MsgD | Message Deposit |
MsgLrl | Landline retrieval of messages from your Message Centre |
OPER | Operator-assisted call |
ROAM | Calls placed while you are traveling outside the Solo Mobile network |
Work | Work free calling |
Roaming charges
If you have travelled to the United States, your itemized call list will show roaming calls in the ‘Roamer’ section.
The roaming calls will be listed with prices in Canadian dollars. All incoming calls will be displayed twice: once in your ‘Itemized calls’ list to show long distance charges, and once more in the ‘Roamer’ section to show roaming charges.
Why do I pay long distance charges while roaming?
When you receive a call, our network sends the call from your home calling area to you in the United States, making it a long distance call. In the ‘Number called’ column, you will see the area code of the location from which you placed the call, followed by *18.
Why do I pay an extra charge for roaming?
When you use airtime in the United States, you pay an extra charge for using the U.S. network.
Which time zone shows up on my bill?
On your roamer calls, the time zone is that of the calling area you are physically in.
On your incoming itemized calls, the time zone is that of your phone number's area code.